Blogs In Plain English Video

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday March 1st, 2010

Today is Monday, March 1, 2010
Welcome to the first day of March. I hope everyone enjoyed their three day seems we have been having a lot of those lately! Let's hope that March does not bring us a lot of snow and bad weather. Now for some water cooler items: progress reports are due by the end of the day Wednesday, therefore, you should be checking your hac account to see how you are performing in your classes. Remember that you still have the second half of the marking period to improve your let's kick it in gear and do our personal best! New calendars are given out today...let's concentrate on keeping our binders organized and remember to keep bringing your materials to class everyday!

Today's agenda is as follows:

Period 1/2- Contemporary Citizenship- Continue working on "The Federal Government" packet, pgs. 13-18. Collect pgs. 13-15 by the end of the class, if not finished, it is to be finished for homework! We will end class by looking at our "blog" notecard and writing down the url for Ms. P's Social Studies Blog (which is this!) Tomorrow we will spend some class time learning more about Blogs and how creating one will help us in school and the workplace!

Period 3/4- Civics/Economics-Continue discussing and correcting "Take Another Look" packet pgs. 30-35 about the product and resource market. Set up interactive notebook, pg. 29,(the next input page), for notes on Consumers and Demand, although we may not get a chance to start the notes...H.W. for tonight is read and complete Supply/Demand packet pages 38-43, making sure to explain your answers as necessary! This packet includes a case study on Domino's Pizza and how s/d relates to real-life! Enjoy!

Period 7/8- Civics/Economics- Check papers given back and file in our binders under the correct heading. Continue discussing and correcting "Take Another Look" packet pgs 30-35. Set up interactive notebook for notes on Consumers and Demand and continue with desurfsup scavenger hunt, part 1 or part 2! H.W.- Read and complete S/D packet pages 38-43.
Let's end today's blog entry with a quote...

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't.
France, Anatole
Please click on the comment line below and type in your initials and then write a few sentences about what this quote means to you...
Thanks and Blog Onward Soldiers!!!!!!

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